Tel: (84) 0262. 3825808


Assoc. Prof. PhD. Vice Dean

Nguyễn Văn Bồng,
PhD. Dean

1. Introduction

- Founded on December 19, 2008.  

2. Total number of staff: 86 including

- 2 Assoc. Prof. PhD.s

- 16 PhD.s

- 41 MA.s

- 10 Senior lecturers

- 73 Lecturers

3. Departments

- Mathematics Department

- Experimental Biology Department

- Physics Department

- Informatics Department

- Chemistry Department

- Environmental Technology Department

- Basic Biology Department

4. Scientific research

- Ministry-level research projects:       07

- Institutional research projects:           86

- Province-level research projects:    02            

5. Training programs

- Mathematics Teacher Education             

- Physics Teacher Education                        

- Chemistry Teacher Education                  

- Environmental Technology

- Telecommunications and Electronic Technology

- Biology Teacher Education

- Biology

- Informatics

6. Achievements

- 02 Outstanding Staff Team Awards

- 03 Institutional Best Teacher Awards